Wine, a beverage awakens all 5 human senses

Wine is a daily drink for many, but it’s also a whole sensory experience that affects every aspect of your body. The taste and smell of wine stimulates the brain to release chemicals that make you feel good.
Smell Makes Taste Better
It could be as simple as great marketing or as complex as the soil where the grapes were grown, but let’s start with one basic fact: All those tastes and smells we talk about when describing wine actually exist only in our heads.
The reason organic chianti wine (vino chianti biologico) different in the glass than it does when you smell the cork is that for most of us, drinking involves both taste and smell. The smell makes taste better – aromas intensify sweet, sour, salty, and bitter components of anything we eat or drink .When we actually taste wine, however, most of us draw a blank.
Swallowing Doesn’t Mean You Stop Smelling
When you swallow wine, aromas continue on their journey from your mouth to your nose via the pharynx and retronasal passages in addition to the olfactory bulb.Chewing releases vapors into the air that builds up over time – even if you exhale through your nose rather than your mouth. If you wait long enough between sips, you’ll notice that you can taste and smell the wine over and over.
Smell Affects the Taste of Food, Too
When we chew something, we mix it with saliva, which contains enzymes that change chemical components into different chemicals that stimulate nerve endings throughout the mouth. Different aromas appear depending on whether your food is hot or cold, moist or dry at that moment. Aromas from food interact with those from beverages to create brand-new tastes in your mouth. The flavors of the wine will change dramatically depending on what you’re eating or drinking just before tasting.
Communicate Your Wine Preferences with Lucid Wine Talk
The best way to learn about smelling and tasting wine is through hands-on experience. Try as many wines as possible – but don’t be surprised if there’s a disconnect between the great experiences you have over time, and your ability to describe them in words. That’s because everyone has different taste preferences, shaped by genetics, culture, past experiences, even gender.



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